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Fens falconry's Education centre

For Schools and Home Schoolers. 

Our educational packages follow the national curriculum and provide a whole day of immersive learning for all key stages, abilities and backgrounds. We are adaptive as needed to accommodate SEN pupils and have designed bespoke packages with clients as needed. 

Visiting your school

Looking for an unforgettable educational experience for your students?


 Our school visits offer a unique opportunity for students of all ages to witness first-hand the beauty and majesty of these incredible creatures, whilst learning about ecology, evolution and adaptation. Our experienced and DBS checked professionals conduct talks that are tailored to each year group, ensuring that your students leave feeling inspired and engaged.

Key Stage 1

We will encourage pupils to question, engage and identify aspects of their environment. 

We will provide examples of carnivores, omnivores and herbivores using food chains, discuss the different parts of birds in the interest of identifying and labelling body parts and touch on the reason for their adaptations.


Seasons will be discussed with focus on life cycles and hunting. 


Our lesson plans are flexible and varied to fit your teaching requirements. 

Key Stage 2

We broaden our teaching from KS1 to include the recording of data using a number of scientific studies available on site. We can explore subjects like pollination and the importance of plants with regards to food chains and nutrition and more. 

We will develop understanding of life cycles of birds and both how and why they are classified into groups. 

We have an abundance of well adapted creatures to discuss the importance of evolution and natural selection.

Our lesson plans are flexible and varied to fit your teaching requirements. 

Key Stage 3

Our packages for KS3 typically focus upon relationships within an ecosystem including insects, pollination and toxins as well as biodiversity and evolutional properties. 

There will be opportunity to plan, conduct and analyse scientific experiment on site recording and presenting data to improve scientific and inquisitive attitude. 

We encourage an appreciation of the world around us and will promote ways in which pupils can support the environment in small ways to take learning home. 

Our lesson plans are flexible and varied to fit your teaching requirements. 


Key Stage 4

Within KS4 we are well placed to fully explore ecosystems, evolution and variation within species. We will look at adaptations of each level of organisation from decomposers to apex predators. We will look at variation and distribution with micro studies on site and discuss human impacts on biodiversity.

Our lesson plans are flexible and varied to fit your teaching requirements. 

Colleges & Universities

Our college and university teaching is entirely bespoke to your requirements. We can visit for guest lecturing or host workshops or field work. We can prepare and deliver topics covering a range of subject such as; animal care, management or welfare, ecology, biology, zoology, avian veterinary care, avian nutrition and more.

Birds of prey

Owls, falcons, hawks, buzzards and more! Our birds of prey are captivating and an essential focus of our teaching.

catch nets

With our abundance of wildflowers, thistles and grasses, insects are always around and this is a simple method to show diversity, sampling techniques and identification skills.

pond dipping

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Quadrat sampling

Our long grasses and wild flowers provide a simple way to teach biodiversity in a micro-ecosystem.

bees & hives

We have active bee hives on site producing honey allowing us to talk actively about pollination and the importance of insects.


Specifically placed materials to allow wild mammals to nest on site allows us to talk about the little things that everyone can do to help.


Staying with a biodiversity theme, we can talk about the range of birdlife that visit gardens and extend this when talking about nest boxes and natural selection.


Easy to set up wild spider villages are dotted around our site and can provide inspiration for  back garden projects. We also have some more exotic captive species if invertebrates to talk about in the classroom.

Enquire about educational visits

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Fenland District Council Licence No: AW054. 

Registered in England & Wales: 16024678

Registered at Fens Falconry Ltd, Station Road, Wisbech St Mary PE13 4RY

The Fens Falconry logo is a registered trade mark and is a design by Beth Taylor. All images are property of the company and are courtesy of  Going Digital (East of England) or the company unless otherwise stated. Use of material or images is prohibited without written agreement from the company. The company cannot be held liable for the content of external links. All bookings are subject to Fens Falconry's terms and conditions.

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